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3.4.3 Care planning

Last Modified: 15-Apr-2024 Review Date: 04-Oct-2021

‭(Hidden)‬ Legislation


Care planning refers to the planning and decision making process that addresses the individual care needs of a child in the CEO's care. Care planning involves gathering information and views from the child, their parents, family members and significant others to inform decisions about care through arranging meetings and/ or opportunities to participate.  A Care Plan is a written document that contains information, plans and decisions in relation to the nine dimensions of care and is created and approved in Assist.

Significant changes made  since the last care planning meeting and proposed changes to the Care Plan should be raised within a care planning meeting to ensure the child, parents, family members and other people significant to the child are included in the decision making process. If this is not possible, you must find alternative strategies to ensure all parties are provided an opportunity to express their views and wishes.

Certain people important to children and their carers are considered as a 'care team'. The care team maintains and supports a child's care arrangements and their continued connection to parents, siblings, their wider family, network, community and culture. The emphasis is to create stability and reduce the disruption to lifetime connections that a child has when they enter out of home care, and maintain and increase the naturally occurring networks they belonged to before coming into care. For more information, see the see the Care Team Approach Framework (in related resources).  

All care planning decisions are reviewable via the Care Planning Review Panel. For more information, see Chapter 3.4 – Care Plan Decisions and the Care Plan Review Panel.

'Care planning' is different to 'case planning', which refers to general case management for the whole family. Care planning is specific to the individual child and is a statutory requirement. Stability and connection planning will help inform the Care Plan. See Chapter 3.4. Stability and Connection Planning for more information. 

When working with an Aboriginal child and their family, you should engage in regular and meaningful consultation with the child's family and an Aboriginal Practice Leader or other relevant senior Aboriginal staff member.

You should also engage with Elders or leaders of the relevant community if this is supported by the child and their family. 

Note: CEO refers to the Chief Executive Officer of the Department. The term "placement arrangement" is used in the Children and Communities Services Act (2004) to refer to care arrangement made under s. 79(2) for the placement of a child. These terms mean the same thing and are interchangeable.

  • All children in the CEO's care must have a Provisional Care Plan or Care Plan.
  • You must develop a Provisional Care Plan within 7 days of a child entering care.
  • You must review a child's Provisional Care Plan every 6 months and Care Plan every 12 months. A Care Plan review should be undertaken more frequently if a child is under 2 years of age.
  • You must complete a Care Plan review or a Care Plan modification if there is a significant change to the child's circumstances or changes are to be made to care planning decisions.
  • A child under 3 years of age cannot be placed in any Communities operated residential group homes'

Process Maps
  • The Care Planning Process - process map and circular flowchart
  • Case Planning and Care Planning        
  • Integration of Existing Processes and Role of Care Team Members
  • Review of Certain Decisions 

Information and Instructions

  • Legislative responsibilities and care planning
  • Child’s citizenship and visa issues
  • The 11 month care planning cycle
  • The nine dimensions of care
  • Preparation for the care planning meeting
  • During the care planning meeting
  • After the Care Plan meeting
  • Distributing the care plan
  • Withholding a care plan
  • Modifying a Care Plan
  • Secure Care
  • Entering or exiting detention
  • Care Plan Review Panel
  • State Administrative Tribunal
  • Complaints management
  • The Advocate for Children in Care
  • Seeking an extension of a protection Order (time limited)
  • Legislative responsibilities and care planning

    All care planning decisions must be made in the best interests of the child.

    These decisions and their documentation should be aimed at improving life outcomes in respect of the child against the nine dimensions of care.


    A child's Care Plan must demonstrate how the Department is meeting the individual needs of the child, and must adhere to the principles set out in the Children and Community Services Act 2004 (the Act). The following principles are particularly relevant to care planning for children in the CEO's care:

    • Principle 9(ga) - that objectives of planning for the care of a child who is in the CEO's care include the following:
      • To achieve continuity and stability in the child's living arrangements
      • To preserve and enhance the child's relationships with the child's family and with other people who are significant in the child' life (subject to protecting the child from harm and meeting the child's needs)
      • For an Aboriginal child, Torres Strait Islander child or child from culturally or linguistically diverse (CaLD) background – to preserve and enhance the child's connection with the culture and traditions of the child's family or community 
    • Principle 9(gb) – that objectives of planning for a placement arrangement for a child include, subject to protecting the child from harm and meeting the child's needs, the following:
      • To place the child with a member of the child's family
      • To place the child with the child's siblings (subject also to protecting the siblings from harm)
      • To place the child with a person who is willing and able to encourage and support the child to develop and maintain contact with the child's parents, siblings and other members of the child's family and with other members of the child's family and with other people who are significant in the child's life, subject to decisions under the Act about contact.

    For reference to the other principles set out in the Act, see the Introduction to the Casework Practice Manual.  


    Child’s citizenship and visa issues

    A child's citizenship information and, where relevant, visa status should be recorded within the care plan. If you are unsure of a child's status, ask the child's parents or other family members. If this is not possible, you should apply directly to Department of Home Affairs (DHA) under s.23 of the Children and Community Services Act 2004 (the Act). Complete the Request for Personal Information form (in related resources) and email the form to

    If the Department has determined that reunification is not possible for a child who is subject to protection order (until 18), and the child is on a temporary visa, the Department must apply for a child visa (Subclass 802) from the DHA. Commence the process as soon as possible as this is a lengthy process which can take more than 12 months.

    To discuss complex visa or immigration issues, you should consult with Legal and Business Services and contact the DHA Community Status Resolution team in Perth via Consider consultation with Principal Policy and Planning Officer – Cultural Diversity.

    All considerations and decisions relating to a child's citizenship or visa status should be discussed during the care planning meeting and included in the child's written Care Plan, as the information does not auto-populate from Assist.  


    The 11 month care planning cycle

    Care planning is a cyclical and ongoing process and where Care Plans are developed, reviewed, and modified to demonstrates how the child's developing needs and circumstances will be supported in the CEO's care.

    An 11-month planning cycle assists with forward-planning to ensure a child in the CEO's care has an up-to-date care plan. All meetings, information gathering, and home visits should be scheduled between January and November every calendar year as part of the 11-month planning cycle. 

    Outlook calendar can be used to schedule and set reminders for deadlines, proposed meeting dates, consultation and when to start gathering information. This will ensure you are well prepared and organised for care planning meetings.

    A care planning schedule should be created and provided for the child, where age-appropriate, their family and carers in advance so they know when to expect a meeting invite. 

    If the Care Plan is overdue, or is likely to become overdue, the Team Leader should discuss these reasons with the District Director and propose a revised due date. The Care Plan should be completed as soon as practicable, and the proposed due date should be no more than 14 days after the original due date. The rationale for the revised Care Plan due date and approval by the District Director should be updated on Assist. Care Team members should be advised of any delay for the scheduled Care Planning meetings or the receipt of Care Plans at the earliest opportunity.


    The nine dimensions of care

    The nine dimensions of care refers to nine interconnected aspects in respect of a child's care: safety, care arrangements, health, education, social and family relationships, recreation and leisure, emotional and behavioural development, identity and culture, and legal and financial. See below for a summary of information that should be included in each dimension of a child's care plan:

    1.       Safety

    Use this space to raise any emerging or existing safety concerns for the child. For example, if a child is at risk of being removed from contact or school by a parent or if there are cyber safety concerns for the child. Detail any relevant behavioural observations or threats, noting why these indicate a safety risk for the child. You should also note care planning decisions that will help increase safety for the child.

    Assist allows you to link a safety plan from the child's file from Objective for easy reference.

    2.       Care Arrangements

    Detail any updates or information relating to a child's current or proposed future care arrangements. You should include any decisions or actions required to support this arrangement, such as an agreement to provide additional transport support for the child.

    This section should capture the child's views and wishes about their current care arrangement, and what the child may need to support or strengthen this arrangement. If it is a new care arrangement, you must also demonstrate that decisions made were in accordance with the relevant child placement principle. For more information, see 3.4.7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Principle and Guidelines for the placement of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

    This dimension of care will include living arrangements as the child's Care Plan transitions to a Leaving Care Plan.

    3.       Health

    Include information about a child's general physical and mental health and development, and any specific health needs. Attach relevant health reports to the Care Plan in Assist, including the child's annual health assessment.

    Before sharing or documenting physical or mental health information about the child, you should balance the merit of informing everyone in the Care Team, with the privacy needs of the child. If you are unsure if you should share material due to privacy concerns, ask the child/young person and consult with the Team Leader.

    Where a child is 4 years or older, you should organise for the child to complete the relevant Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) prior to the care planning meeting.

    See Chapter 3.4 – Health Care Planning for more information.

    4.       Education

    Each child in the CEO's care should have at least one Documented Plan developed by the school in partnership with the Department and the child's Care Teams. There are a number of types of Documented Plans, including Individual Education Plans (IEPs), Individual Behaviour Management Plans (IBMPs) and Risk Management Plans (RMPs). 

    Include information about the child's general progress and achievements, any supports that can be implemented to help the child reach their educational milestones and goals, as well as any tasks that need to be completed. For example, if concerns have been raised that a child may have dyslexia, detail what actions will be taken to ensure the child is appropriately assessed and what supports can be put in place pending formal assessment.

    See Chapter 3.4 – Education for more information.

    5.       Social and family relationships

    The primary focus of this dimension in respect of a child in the CEO's care is on developing, maintaining, and strengthening relationships that are important to the child. This section should include up-to-date information about contact the child is having with their parents, siblings, family members and significant others. It's important that the child's views on contact, including who/ how/ when/ where are included.

    Any actions or decisions to support and strengthen relationships for the child should be included here, such as supporting a child to attend family functions and to meet their familial, cultural and community obligations.

    6.       Recreation and Leisure

    Describe what care planning actions or activities are required to support the child's formal or informal recreation and leisure needs. This may include decisions to provide case support costs to cover enrolment in a certain number of sporting activities, for art supplies or to learn a new skill. The child's views and wishes will be important when determining the costs the Department should cover and why.

    7.       Emotional and Behavioural development

    You should encourage the child to participate in any discussions and documenting required for this dimension as much as possible, according to the child's age and ability. It is important to understand how the child feels, if they are coping and to identify any supports they may want or need.

    Where relevant, acknowledge that discussions may include difficult topics such as suicidal ideation, self-harming or harmful sexual behaviours, particularly if the child is present for these conversations.

    Discussion and documentation should remain child-focused and respectful and include only information relevant to making decisions and taking actions in the best interests of the child.

    8.       Identity and culture

    If a child is Aboriginal or of a CALD background, their Cultural Support Plan should inform this section of their Care Plan. However, you should include any significant decisions made in relation to how a child's connection to culture and Country will be supported, including details of proposed trips to return to Country or Native Title information. Relevant and up to date information can be cut and pasted from the Cultural Support Plan (CSP) template. 

    See Chapter 3.4 – Cultural Support Planning for more information.

    9.       Legal and financial

    Include any decisions or important information about a child's financial or legal needs. This might include details of upcoming criminal Court hearings, criminal injury compensation claims on foot, updated information about entitlements, native title claims or updates regarding a child's visa or citizenship status. The written Care Plan should not include any private or confidential information including bank account details or balances, income details or the amount of any lumpsum payments received or likely to be received in the future. Depending on the circumstances, it may not be appropriate to reference a claim at all. Any information excluded for safety or confidentially, should still be recorded on Assist and Objective.

    If you become aware that a child in the CEO's care is being charged rent or board by their carer, or that the carer is attempting to charge them rent or board, seek advice from Legal and Business Services.

    The provision of financial assistance to a carer to meet a child in the CEO's care needs must be funded by the Department and not the child.

    See Chapter 3.3 – Legal support for children in the CEO's care for more information. 


    Preparation for the care planning meeting

    If safety concerns exist, create a plan to manage these risks within the care planning meetings and process. For example, if there is a Violence Restraining Order (VRO) in place, separate meetings may be required, or participation/ attendance to the meeting may be varied, such as in person, in writing and/ or via teleconference from a district office.

    If there are health risks or restrictions pertaining to Covid-19, follow the most recent guidance from the Department of Health.

    Any practical, health or safety issues should be considered and discussed with the Care Team prior to meetings being scheduled. 


    Care planning meeting invites should be sent out 14 days prior to the scheduled meeting. It is your responsibility to schedule and invite the child (where age-appropriate) and relevant members their care team. Not all care team members will need to be involved in the care planning process. The Team Leader in consultation with the child, their parents and carer will decide who has a direct and significant interest in the child's wellbeing and who should be involved in the care planning process. For more information, see Care Planning Policy

    If a child is attending their care plan meeting or part of the meeting, plan how you will provide them with practical and emotional support before, during and after the meeting, including where the child is attending via video link from Banksia Hill Detention Centre. Where a young person cannot attend, obtain their views and wishes, wherever possible, prior to the care plan meeting.

    Strategies to manage the child's anxiety or stress prior to or during a care planning meeting include:

    • Encouraging the child to use Viewpoint to provide their views and wishes in a less stressful environment.
    • Helping the child to identify which discussions they want to be present for and organise the agenda around this.
    • Reminding the child that they will be able to take a break or pause the meeting if they need to.
    • Asking the child if they would find items such as a fidget spinner, colouring books or a teddy helpful and provide these where required.
    • Making it clear that the purpose of the meeting is to ensure the child gets the support they need. This may require the chair to guide discussions that are inappropriate or not relevant to this goal.
    • Keeping the language inclusive and accessible, considering the child's age and capacity to understand.
    • Booking an interpreter or organise for the child to have a disability support worker, where appropriate, to overcome barriers to communication.  

    If the participants are spread over a large geographical distance, you should consider alternative ways to ensure all members of the Care Team are able to participate.

    This could include holding multiple smaller meetings; using technology such as video or telephone conferencing; requesting written input via Report To Meeting forms or meeting with individuals separately. 


    During the care planning meeting

    All meetings should start with an Acknowledgement of Country.

    If you are working with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or CaLD child and their family, specific language and cultural needs should, wherever possible, be accommodated. This includes the provision of language supports such an interpreting service and considering the cultural safety needs of all Care Team members in consultation with an Aboriginal Practice Leader before the meeting.

    Where possible, cultural safety needs should be discussed with the child and their family. Community leaders/Elders should also be consulted if the child and family support this.


    A Senior Child Protection Worker (SCPW) may chair a care planning meeting. However, if there are complex or contentious matters that require an experienced facilitator, a Level 6/SC3 officer or above should chair the meeting.

    Care planning meetings are an opportunity for the child (age and level of understanding permitting), their parents, carers, Department staff and other people significant to the child to:

    • talk about their wishes and goals for the child in relation to the nine dimensions of care
    • raise any concerns
    • identify existing and/or emerging needs for the child
    • decide how to best support the child and ensure there is a plan to support their individual needs
    • determine how available resources, such as funding, services and supports will be managed in relation to meeting the child's needs, and  
    • ensure that everyone's views and wishes are considered.
    The Team Leader should lead a discussion on anticipated funding costs to support the child's needs that have been identified by the care team. These costs may include counselling, fees associated with sports and other activities, day care and school fees. Organising prior approval for anticipated funding requirements streamlines the process and reduces the wait time for the child and/or carer to receive the supports or items they require.  During the meeting, the chair should acknowledge the possibility of disagreement and conversations about difficult issues, such as funding. Be sure that everyone is provided an opportunity to share their views and wishes, and, if necessary, be clear that aggressive language or behaviour, including threats, are unacceptable.

    If the child, their parents, family members or other participants advise they were dissatisfied with the process and you are unable to resolve the issues yourself, you must provide them with the following:
    • Contact details for your Team Leader to discuss their worries and to be provided with another opportunity to manage their concerns.
    • Information about how to lodge an official complaint via the district. 
    • Contact details for the Complaints Management Unit.
    • Information about the Care Plan Review Panel and how to initiate the review process

    A care planning meeting should be an empowering and positive experience for the child. A break should be called if the child requests or indicates that this is required. If the child is not present, you should reiterate that the language and content of the discussions should remain child-focused and respectful toward the child. 


    After the Care Plan meeting

    The Care Plan meeting is extremely important but is only one part of the care planning process. Ensure all follow-up tasks are completed in a timely manner and decisions made are acted on.  

    All written Care Plans should be recorded and saved in Assist using the Care Plan Form. Once the Care Plan is approved and/or endorsed, the Care Plan will be published and automatically saved in the Child History File in Objective. 

    You must ensure that the child's dignity and privacy is respected throughout the plan. Particularly for an older child, this can be achieved with lots of consultation and feedback from the child. 

    You must ensure there is no content in the Care Plan that could pose a risk to the child's physical, emotional or cultural safety. This includes reference to a home address or school. 


    Distributing the care plan

    Where a child, their parents, family or significant others cannot read confidently in English, but can read and understand content in another language, you should have the Care Plan translated into the appropriate language.  

    This includes Indigenous languages and augmentative and alternative communication.  

    For more information, refer to Language and Interpreter Information (in related resources) and Chapter 4.2 – Language services - booking and payment

    A copy of the final approved Care Plan should be provided within 14 days after the meeting to:

    • the child (if age appropriate)
    • the child's parents
    • other family members of the child
    • the child's carers, and
    • any other person significant to the child who was part of the care planning process.

    In addition to the Care Plan, all participants must be provided with a copy of the Care Plan Review Panel brochure which outlines their right to a review of certain decisions regarding the Care Plan, and adequate information to initiate a complaint or appeals process. 


    Withholding a care plan

    If a decision is made not to provide a person with a Care Plan due to the unacceptable risk to the child or other person,, and the family is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, consult with other family members about the decision, in addition to an Aboriginal Practice Leader or other relevant senior Aboriginal officer.

    It is important the district engages with the family and supports them to safely manage any possible conflict or repercussions arising from this decision.  

    If it is determined that there is an unacceptable risk to the safety of the child or another persona by providing an individual with a copy of the child's Care Plan, you should withhold the Care Plan from that person. Any decision to withhold a Care Plan should be made in consultation with the Team Leader and other relevant district staff, such as the Aboriginal Practice Leader, where appropriate. 

    When considering if providing a Care Plan to a person could pose an unacceptable risk to the safety of a child or another person, consider the following:  

    • Does the Care Plan identify, or could identify the whereabouts of a vulnerable adult via contact details? This is particularly important to consider in the context of FDV. 
    • Does the Care Plan include a safety plan to protect the child from an individual? If this individual has details of the safety plan, will this create an unacceptable risk to the child? 
    • Could details contained in the Care Plan escalate conflict and risk of violence if it were to be known to a certain person? For example, it outlines a plan for an individual to apply for a Violence Restraining Order.

    If the decision is made to withhold a Care Plan, you must ensure that person is notified and provided with the reasons why it was withheld. You must provide this information in writing

    When notifying someone of the decision to withhold a copy of the Care Plan, use the Letter from CEO not to provide a copy of a Care Plan s.89 (in related resources). You must complete Form 417 - Application For Review of Decision Not to Provide a Care Plan or Modification (In Related Resources) to accompany the letter.

    Once a person has been provided with the written advice, they have the right to apply to the CEO for this decision to be reviewed via the Care Plan Review Panel. If they are still dissatisfied with the reviewed decisions, they can also apply to the State Administration Tribunal.

    You must review a decision to withhold a Care Plan each time the plan is developed, reviewed, and modified, as the risk to the child or other person is likely to change over time. For example, if a person is compliant with a medication regime or becomes sober for a period, they may no longer pose a specific risk to the child and it may be appropriate to provide them with a copy of the Care Plan. 


    Modifying a Care Plan

     A modification is a change to the Care Plan to any of the dimensions of care. You must consult and engage with the child, their parents, family, carers and other people significant to the child when a modification to the Care Plan is made. There may be instances where this is not possible, such as an urgent change to a child's care arrangement. In these circumstances, you should have these conversations as soon as practicable. Even small changes for a child in out-of-home care can cause disruption and may impact significantly on their life. It is important that Care Team members are, if possible part of the decision making process to support the child to manage transition or change successfully.  

    You must make a modification to the Care Plan if:

    • there is a change to the child's care arrangement
    • there is a change to contact arrangements the child has with a parent or other person
    • there is a change to the child's Cultural Support Plan
    • when initiating leaving care planning when the child turns 15 years old, and/or 
    • the child is admitted to secure care or detained at Banksia Hill Detention Centre.

    Any change to a care planning decision must result in a modification of the child's Care Plan as soon as practicable after a decision is varied, revoked or substituted or a new decision is made. 

    When you make a Care Plan modification, you are not required to conduct a full meeting as you would with a new Care Plan, or a Care Plan review. However, you must place a hard copy of the modification to the Care Plan on the physical Child History Folder and provide a copy within 14 days of the decision to change the Care Plan to:

    • the child (if age appropriate)
    • their family
    • carers, and
    • other people significant to them. 

    You can withhold a Care Plan modification from a person if you believe that sharing it with that individual would place the child or other person at an unacceptable risk. If a decision is made to withhold a Care Plan modification, you must advise and explain this decision in writing and follow the same instructions you would when withholding a Care Plan.

    You must include the Care Plan Review Panel brochure with any correspondence about a Care Plan modification to the relevant parties. 

    If there is a need to modify several dimensions of the child's Care Plan, consider undertaking a review rather than modification of the Care Plan, even if it is before to the review due date.

    If this is not possible, and you are only able to consult around the modifications, you must still complete a full Care Plan review within the scheduled timeframe.  

    If the child's case is currently before the Court, please contact the Departmental lawyer managing the case before making significant decisions as these may be best made by the Court. 


    Secure Care

    If a referral to Secure Care is made, you must modify the child's Care Plan. If possible, you should do this as part of a planned transition and referral to Secure Care where all Care Team members have been involved in the decision making process. Where this is not possible due to the urgency of the situation, the modification must be completed within two working days of the child's admission. 

    Specific decisions about what modifications are required, will be made at the secure care initial planning meeting. For further information, refer to Chapter 3.3 Secure Care Arrangements


    Entering or exiting detention

    When a child is detained at Banksia Hill Detention Centre (BHDC) you should engage as many Care Team members as possible, including the child, to discuss how to meet the needs of the child while in detention, and to plan for the child's release. Where possible, this should be completed as a full Care Plan review and a care planning meeting should be held. Where it is more appropriate, if a Care Plan was recently completed, a modification to the Care Plan might be more appropriate.

    The specific requirements of children entering or exiting BHDC should be taken into consideration when undertaking care planning. Collaboration with the Department of Justice is encouraged, to promote the safety and wellbeing of children in custody.

    When a child or young person who is in care is in detention, responsibility is shared between the Communities and the Department of Justice. Communities retains parental responsibility, while Justice has the responsibility to manage the day-to-day welfare of the child or young person.   

    Collaboration with the Department of Justice is encouraged to promote the safety and wellbeing of children in custody.

    For more information and guidance refer to the following in related resources:

    Consult with the child protection team at BHDC to assist with:

    • liaison and co-ordination of service delivery between Case Planning Officers, other professionals in BHDC and the child's case worker
    • facilitation of information sharing and collaborative case work where appropriate
    • supporting the child or young person to complete Viewpoint
    • planning specific responses based on the child's specific needs, and
    • to assist organising a care planning meeting, either on-site a BHDC or via Video Conference where this is not possible.
    • Supporting transition planning for when the child is released from BHDC

    The co-located team does not have a decision making role, will not direct case practice, and will not develop a Care Plan for a child in the CEO's care. Rather, they will assist both young people in detention and detention staff to understand Department processes, be a conduit for communication, and relationship building between children in the CEO's care and their case managers to ensure the best interests of the child are met.

    For more information, see Chapter 3.3 – Young offenders- including children in the CEO's care.


    Care Plan Review Panel

    If a child, a child's family member or any other significant person to the child is dissatisfied with a decision made during a Care Plan review or modification, they can apply to the CEO to have those decisions reviewed by the Care Plan Review Panel. People who have had a copy of the Care Plan or a modification of the Care Plan withheld from them are also able to have this decision reviewed by the Care Plan Review Panel. 

    Refer to Chapter 3.4 – Care Plan Decisions and the Care Plan Review Panel.


    State Administrative Tribunal

    If a child, their family or another person significant to them is still dissatisfied with a decision made by the Care Plan Review Panel, that person can apply for a review by the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT). 

    During the review process, you can continue to review and modify care plans. However, any decisions made by the SAT must remain in place for 12-months before being re-reviewed, unless there is a significant change in the child's circumstances or new/pertinent information becomes known.


    Complaints management

    The child, their family, carers and any other person who has a significant interest in the child's wellbeing, can make a complaint if they have concerns about how the child's care is being managed. Complaints can be made about any service offered, any other aspect of the Department's operations, or a perceived lack of service where one could reasonably be expected.

    When engaging in the care planning process, it is important to remind people of their right to make a formal complaint if they do not feel you are able to resolve the issues with them directly. 

    You should provide Department resources regarding the complaints process that are presented in language specific for children and young people.

    For more information about the complaints process, refer to the Chapter 4.1 – Complaints Management.

    It is important that the child knows they can talk to you, the Team Leader, or where relevant, the Aboriginal Practice Leader and how they can get into contact if they have any worries or questions about being in out-of-home care, or if the child wishes to raise complaints of their own. If the child has a specific complaint, they can raise this with the Advocate for Children in Care (the Advocate).


    The Advocate for Children in Care

    The child, or another person who has concerns about a child in the CEO's care, can contact the Advocate with problems or complaints that cannot be resolved with the Child Protection Worker.

    You should regularly remind the child that they can contact the Advocate, and ensure that they have the Advocate's contact details. 

    The Advocate can be contacted via:

    Ensure the child has information about other services that can provide them with support and promote their best interests. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • CREATE Foundation WA, and 
    • The Commissioner for Children and Young People WA.

    The Charter of Rights for Children and Young People, and the Charter of Rights for Parents and Families Involved in Statutory Child Protection in WA can help the child to understand the purpose of a Care Plan and what should be included in it. Ask the child and family members if they have or would like a copy. Refer to Chapter 3.4 Charter of Rights for Children and Families for further information.  


    Seeking an extension of a protection Order (time limited)

    The decision to apply for an extension or revocation of a protection order (time limited) should be informed by the case planning process as it is not a care planning decision. The decision must be made by the District Director as the CEO's delegate. See Chapter 3.3 – Protection orders (time-limited and until 18) for further information. 
