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2.2 Meetings to be Attended by Workers

Last Modified: 18-Jul-2023 Review Date: 01-Jun-2019

‭(Hidden)‬ Legislation


To provide information to residential care staff about the different types of meetings held to facilitate planning processes for and with children.

Practice Requirements

Residential care staff must attend regular staff meetings to assist in developing individual and weekly programs and engage in ongoing reflective practice. 

​​Residential care staff must also participate in safety planning and collaborate with children and young people to develop self-care plans.​ 

A r​ange of meetings are held to facilitate the planning and review processes, and to give the child a voice in his or her care arrangements.​​ 


  • Staff Handover
  • Weekly Team Meetings
  • Learning and Development Meetings
  • Initial Placement Meeting
  • Residential Care Plan meetings
  • Red Flag Meetings
  • Staff Handover

    Residential care workers must participate in a verbal and written handover at the beginning and end of each shift.  

    A residential care worker from the outgoing shift must supervise the children during handover.  

    Information is exchanged verbally at staff handover but it should also be written on the Handover Sheet and saved into Objective under the House folder "Shift Handover Notes".

    The type of information exchanged at staff handover should include, but is not limited, to the following:

    • placement/discharges and relevant safety planning  
    • any known risks or alerts that may affect the operation of the shift  
    • information about the children, including appointments, transport times, current behaviours and relevant issues, etc.  
    • children’s progress towards individual therapeutic plans  
    • administrative requirements, for example, petty cash, and  
    • any other information that is relevant to the operational needs of the home (for example, maintenance of the home). 

    Weekly Team Meetings

    Weekly team meetings are held each week and are attended by the residential care team. In country sites, the psychologist can link in via video conference. All participants contribute to the review, planning and management of the home environment with the aim of improving the experience of all children residing there.​


    Learning and Development Meetings

    All staff learning and development meetings occur at least monthly or as agreed by the residential care team. The meetings are conducted in a learning and development context and include activities that provide workers with opportunities to develop their skills and understanding of therapeutic care, Sanctuary and residential care processes further​​.

    ​Attendance and topics covered need to be recorded by the House Manager


    Initial Placement Meeting

    Before a child is placed in a Residential Group home, the child, his or her case manager and home’s manager should have a placement planning meeting at the group home. This meeting provides the opportunity for residential care staff to become familiar with the child’s background by reading his or her Child Information Form, the placement referral, and care plan, etc.

    At this meeting, participants will:  

    • establish a daily plan and routine for the child  
    • a safety plan for when the child is placed  
    • discuss information regarding health and medication  
    • find out if the child has any items that should be stored in the homes’ safe storage facility, and  
    • check the child’s property to make sure that nothing of a dangerous nature is brought into the home. This may need to be done on a regular basis if residential care workers believe that inappropriate or dangerous items are being brought into the home. 


    Residential Care Plan meetings

    All relevant residential care staff contribute to the development of each child’s Residential Care Plan and individual daily program. Residential Care Plans are developed at the placement meeting, or within 10 days of the child being placed.  

    The plans are informed by the child’s care plan, other relevant documentation, and the child’s case manager. The meeting should also include a review of the child's Individual Crisis Support Plan.

    The child should also be involved in developing his or her plan, where possible, either in person or by being assisted in completing a Residential Care Plan Meeting Child's Perspective form.​


    Red Flag Meetings

    ​Red Flag meetings are held when an issue occurs that needs to be discussed by everyone. Red Flag Meetings can be called by children and staff. One person is in charge of making sure the meeting follows the rules.

    Examples of situations where a Red Flag Meeting may be called are:  

    • ​when a member of staff or a child is hurt badly  
    • a child starts to run away repeatedly  
    • a child is experiencing severe bullying  
    • staff and/or child feel scared, worried or angry about something, or  
    • stories from staff or children make us really worried.​


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